Telegram's third-party crypto wallets must now use TON Connect as its exclusive wallet connection protocol, a spokesperson for the TON Foundation said. The new requirements are part of Telegram's partnership with the TON Foundation, which makes TON the only blockchain network supported by its Comm. Svcs. Existing Mini Programs running on other blockchains must transition to TON by February 21, including bridging existing assets, migrating smart contracts and exclusively using TON C...
A White House spokesperson said President Joe Biden is considering more pardons and commutations.
The founder of Parallel said at the Solana 2024 Breakpoint conference that the survival simulation game Colony plans to conduct closed beta tests in early 2025. It is reported that Colony is optimized for Solana mobile phones.
The head of Japan's financial regulator has said there needs to be "careful consideration" when deciding whether to follow Hong Kong and the US in approving crypto-linked exchange traded funds. Hideki Ito, head of Japan's Financial Services Agency, said in an interview that many people believe crypto assets "do not necessarily contribute to the creation of wealth for the Japanese people in a stable and long-term manner". Ito, who took office in July, said other countries had taken a more "conser...